
Showing posts from March, 2021
                                                                    40 Days and 40 Nights - Day 7  So just got off the phone with the Doctors office they want to schedule a procedure for next week. So I have a week to pretend that this is not on my mind. It is interesting times that we live in when you have to look at people with the side eye because what they say doesn't add up. Yeah you guessed it I have trust issues living in today's world who doesn't. It seems everything these days is life or death kind of strange if you ask me. What do I know I'm just one being. So lately I have been trying to boost my reach for a variety of reasons. Working hard to adapt to the new world lingo that I have been trying to avoid like what the hell is a hashtag and why is it important. Then there are the key words that you can ra...

The Formula for Abundance

                                                Formula for abundance       The following blog is pertaining to the question I have been asking myself how I can help people who are having difficulties with life and everything going on. If you have read my blogs, you know all too well my personal issues that I deal with, but I care about people even though some of them can be a bit much. So, I woke up this morning and I laid in the bed ๐Ÿ› for a while I looked at the lit candle and the flickering flame. I thought what my day was going to be about, what was I going to focus on. I had jotted down some things that I wanted to look into today. I watched some videos and took in some information that could help me with my social media posts and getting more eyeballs on my offers. As I lay there, I wondered what would help me get to the next level of what I ...
                                                                  40 Days and 40 Nights - Day 6   Welcome to my life today I lay in my bed thinking of how I would start my day of work. I thought about what was actually paying dividends and what wasn't. As I consolidated my thoughts I had a feeling of complacency, I didn't really want to do anything. I know I had to push past this feeling but It was strong ๐Ÿ’ช, I took me a while to shift gears. My mind was focused on where I was actually at in my business and how long it took to get there and where I want to be. Add in the fact that I have a spinal cord injury so my neck and back have constant arguments with each other. As I was trying to concentrate my thoughts on what I needed to focus on for the day my mind kept drifting to whether or not I wanted the procedure my Ort...
                                                          40 Days and 40 Nights Day-5     I began my day in a little bit of  a funk, I have been trying to stay busy and focused on my jobs and not letting my mind wonder. Who am I kidding my mind wonders all the time right now it's in your house raiding the fridge, just crazy I tell ya. So let me tell you why I got caught in a funky mood and what not. Well as I have stated in previous post I have several online jobs that I do and one of those include web design and marketing for my clients. I have one client for this business that just kind of happened his name is Mr. Big. Well after I designed his website and got him some much needed documents to help him land clients he is running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I mean he is getting calls for his service left an...
                                                    40 Days and 40 Nights  Day-4     Today looks like a great day to make some money, you know that green stuff that seems to run in and out of your bank account like a drunken sailor during beer fest. Yep that be the one, a beauty of a day after last nights storms just about blew the house down. So my plan for today is to update my blog which you are currently reading and get in touch with some of my customers from my web design business. Oh I didn't tell you about it, my bad. Well I kind of fell into this line of work by helping a client who was a start-up like myself. I had designed (2) websites for myself and was proud of my efforts. I proceeded to tell some acquaintances about what I was up to when the client casually suggested I could do one for him. Let's get something out in the open here...
                                              40 Days and 40 Nights Day-3    Woke up this morning feeling ok ๐Ÿ‘Œ I didn't get to much rest last night because I watch You Tube videos on things that I need to learn such as how to effectively build decent credit. Let's keep it real I'm no saint when It comes to credit but to be completely honest every contract that I have ever entered I had the best intentions, however intentions simply isn't enough. As I have stated before when I was a wee bit younger I was a bit irresponsible but I never went into much debt at all actually. I was a victim of non thinking if I'm being honest about it. My parents had me working at 14 to build character but I spoiled myself I always had the ability to buy whatever I wanted for the most part with my own money. I was raised in a upper middle class environment and had a few friends who we...
                                                      40 Days and 40 Nights Day-2   I finally began the process of using a purchase I made during the summer. I bought a web domain and had a premium membership to a web hosting site. I hadn't used it because I was doing YouTube and learning how to be in front and behind the camera. I started building an online store I actually had no idea how to do this so I winged it. The result it looked like pure crap but I'm no quitter, I backed off the project and took a long look at it before i would attempt again to make something out of nothing. I joined a online retail affiliate site and to be honest didn't know what to do. I tried using Facebook to do a little something but since I had that experience with Pinterest I didn't want to rock the boat with Facebook. I just promoted my YouTube videos and added fri...
                                                      40 Days and 40 Nights Day-1      So I got going about my normal time about noon today and I have had a good start to my day so far minimal distractions so I was able to get more done. Well let me back up a bit  my morning routine consists  of feeding the feral cats at the place I slumber at lol ๐Ÿ˜‚. The mother cat is pregnant again and kittens are on the way. The boy cat is scared of his own shadow and runs away at the slightest inkling that I am up and about then there is the lil sister cat who pretends she is the invisible cat when I walk by her shrinking and going still I wonder if she holds her breath as well. I guess I will never know since she's invisible. I feed and provide the trio water then get myself together wash up and usually heat up some food but I didn't do the ...
                                              40 Days and 40 Nights   You are about to become a part of a social journey of epic proportions, uh not the current social experiment but an epic journey, oh I said that already, um well it's going to be cool anyway. The real-life account of an entrepreneur let's call him Cool hand Luke. Luke is determined to succeed at all costs no matter how many speeding tickets he has racked up in a month (8) nothing will slow him down (maybe some spike strips) he is bound and determined to win the foot race out of the county jail cell against all odds. His dream of having success can't be denied or his baby mama going to send the goon squad. His theme song or at least the part he remembers goes like this " I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I would have known just one second you would be...
                                        How to start your own Podcast  Starting your own business is a interesting challenge and you want to complicate things by starting a podcast? Like you mother said " Are you insane". LOl ๐Ÿ˜‚  the short answer would be yes mother I am two fries short of a happy meal ๐Ÿ˜‚ glad you noticed. Ha ha as true as that scenario is to many of us it is time to be a little more serious. Any venture that you may be undertaking could be complex and this particular one has its specifics. So lets dive into it and get you and your loving mom sorted out shall we.  First things first the gear needed to start your very own podcast will be a quite room or studio. The room you will be using needs sound dampers so no background noises interrupt your podcast. Your listeners will be grateful for this and your production will seem more professional. Your next piece...
                                              How to sell to Anyone  Selling is the key to marketing does not matter what product it is from your home to a can of soda all products must be sold. Sure we all know this, then why does selling seem so difficult. I think it has to do with personalized trust issues and stereotypes. The truth is most of us have been brought up incorrectly and judge people by what we feel about how we think about what they represent then actually finding out what they represent. However that came to be if your a person with a product to sell and you do not have a great deal of confidence it may be difficult for you to sell and do well with it. The biggest obstacles in your way are these negative stereotypes, personal judgement based on looks, an uncomfortable environment and our favorite skepticism ๐Ÿคจ. Lets talk about getting around these obst...