40 Days and 40 Nights Day-2

  I finally began the process of using a purchase I made during the summer. I bought a web domain and had a premium membership to a web hosting site. I hadn't used it because I was doing YouTube and learning how to be in front and behind the camera. I started building an online store I actually had no idea how to do this so I winged it. The result it looked like pure crap but I'm no quitter, I backed off the project and took a long look at it before i would attempt again to make something out of nothing. I joined a online retail affiliate site and to be honest didn't know what to do. I tried using Facebook to do a little something but since I had that experience with Pinterest I didn't want to rock the boat with Facebook. I just promoted my YouTube videos and added friends even people I did not know so I could get seen by more eyeballs. This tactic proved to be my undoing since I started to get many people from India that were great to meet on Facebook but as for my business not exactly what I was planning on. The website finally began to take shape and started to look like something but trying to promote my site was another obstacle to overcome. 

 I then joined another affiliate site that was very popular and did what I had seen in videos of promoting the affiliate offer. I would put links at the end of my videos but to be honest the videos were mainly about comedy and the offers were about education so that didn't work. It was looking pretty tuff but I'm no quitter, I dusted myself off and began again this time I created a new website just for my affiliate offers it looked so -so but I continued I selected several offers thinking more would be better, um no. I had so many things going on, to and from the Doctors office and trying to survive on little to no money. Things were a little crusty to say the least. I only had WIFI thru my cell phone but eventually that got cut off because I was having to choose between food or phone as you guessed food always wins. In between all of the insanity I decided to try to work. I got a job at a cleaning service that cleans linen from restaurants It was ok 10hr days and such but it was rough on my body, really rough. I maintained this labor job for several weeks until my body locked up on me then that was the end of that. I was again at the mercy of my wits and how exactly would I keep myself going heck how was I going to survive.

 So I had to prioritize my time and efforts I had to take the freebies that were given from the local church. This was not my first time down this particular path but it was one of the longest times I've had to lean on the church. They are great, I'm not a particular spiritual person I had to grow into it a bit, however now I  understand the mindset for spirituality. This understanding was key to me realizing how to reshape my thinking. I realized in order to get I needed to give, that could be my time or my intellect but whatever it was I needed to make myself available to help people. Maintaining a positive mindset even when things seem they are at their worst, a positive mind is the sign of a stable mind. Setting goals, I started to set goals for my day. Every morning before I begin my day I think of several goals I would like to accomplish for that day and the day is successful as long as I can try to accomplish one if not all of them. I reevaluate my day to see how I did, If my attitude was on par with who I want to be did I do my best to accomplish the goal of that day, and most importantly did I help someone that day.  Accepting myself and others, I try not to have harsh judgements It is easy to fall into the trap of judging others when you believe they are judging you. I have often times put myself into a funk because I thought I knew exactly what a person was thinking about me, truth it is a waist of energy to think like this. I can say it is a bit of a battle day to day to adopt this new way of thinking, feeling and giving of myself in these different ways but I'm no quitter and I look forward to the challenge.  Affiliate Success  Continue the fun reading the next blog 40 Days and 40 Nights Day -3

  Thanks for reading this blog if you have any comments or a similar story to share I welcome your feedback. If you are new to affiliate marketing click the link in blue and get my free E-book that will help you get a grasp of what it is all about. 




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