40 Days and 40 Nights Day-3

   Woke up this morning feeling ok 👌 I didn't get to much rest last night because I watch You Tube videos on things that I need to learn such as how to effectively build decent credit. Let's keep it real I'm no saint when It comes to credit but to be completely honest every contract that I have ever entered I had the best intentions, however intentions simply isn't enough. As I have stated before when I was a wee bit younger I was a bit irresponsible but I never went into much debt at all actually. I was a victim of non thinking if I'm being honest about it. My parents had me working at 14 to build character but I spoiled myself I always had the ability to buy whatever I wanted for the most part with my own money. I was raised in a upper middle class environment and had a few friends who were basically millionaires. My middle school and high school years were pretty good I had great friends I even played one year of football. I had to give it up because we had a drill called head to head and it was tuff. So it went like this two players on opposite ends of a 5ft coned off area get down in a 3 point stance facing each other and basically go full on sumo. It was ok 👌 but you tended to hit helmet to helmet many years later they outlawed it because it can cause serious brain injuries. However back in the day when you got hit and was seeing all of looney tune episodes back to back in your head the coach would say walk it off, lol.  Well I squared off with a short stout young man 👨 named Johnny. He was one of these, I watched every high school football movies and I know all the lines type of characters. He was all about football got to love a guy like that, but not today. Today he and I were in the gauntlet and only one of us was coming out, I'll let you guess which one that was. Johnny had one thing besides his stature that was a little different, he seemed to have the widest helmet I ever saw it reminded me of ( Space Balls The Movie ) It was insane. So here is Johnny about 5'3 and 160lbs and here is me 5'8 and 155lbs, let me remind you this is middle school. So everyone went into the gauntlet the coaches tried to match people by size but somehow the God's didn't favor me this day because basically I was screwed. I must have did something to them in another life, oh well. I got down so did Johnny  and if I had any common sense I should have went the other way when the coaches whistle blue but I'm no quitter and after the collision I spent about twenty minutes trying to capture Tweety Bird 🐦 and his winged cousins flying around my dome like a new born baby in it's bassinet I was wide eyed full of wonder. As I said before I'm no quitter I played thru the season and then took early retirement. The rest of middle or Jr. high and high school as I remembered where a blast crazy times. 

 I watched some of the online credit guru's and some regular Joe's talk about what works and what doesn't and it occurred to me that the credit game was like football. You basically had an offence and a defense and each role of these two units had equal equity in the outcome of the game. The most important part was discipline. I now understand that it was lack of discipline and not setting clear cut goals which landed me for the most part in credit jail, lol 😂 . I know I'm not the only one but if I want to succeed in business I have to have strong moral and financial discipline. My goal is to keep the business functioning as such and not get carried away once funds start flooding in. Put my customers or clients needs in front of my own, yes I'm in it to make a living but I got to care about the living as well. If I treat my customers and client with the upmost respect coupled with top notch service then that should be a recipe for success. Success or failure is a choice, we all have within us the ability to achieve unbelievable abundance and wealth. You can have happiness and love it's all here within us, we must believe that it is for us everyday. I think about my current clients and when they face an obstacle I think 🤔 that obstacles are there to put us on the right path. When we face them, we face ourselves. Each and everyday you and I face obstacles it is how we deal with this adversity that determines our path. I also think and I guess I hope that whatever my client needs to get them to feel more confident and successful that they will get it. If your reading this blog I hope the same for you as well.   

 Thanks for reading this blog if you have any comments or a similar story I would welcome you to share it. Please pass this blog on to others  

 Continue to read this blog about the next 40 days and 40 nights of an entrepreneur who not many believe can succeed in the social chasm of reality. Bare witness to the struggles and trials of a man battling the world outside and the the world within. Armed with his laptop and spotty WIFI he will go where no man has gone before ( to bed) not. He will go where no man has gone before and become the legend the world has never seen.  https://superiordivisionbrandz.blogspot.com/2021/03/40-days-and-40-nights-are-about-to.html  

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Continue the fun keep reading 40 Days and 40 Nights Day-4



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