The Formula for Abundance

                                                Formula for abundance 


The following blog is pertaining to the question I have been asking myself how I can help people who are having difficulties with life and everything going on. If you have read my blogs, you know all too well my personal issues that I deal with, but I care about people even though some of them can be a bit much. So, I woke up this morning and I laid in the bed 🛏 for a while I looked at the lit candle and the flickering flame. I thought what my day was going to be about, what was I going to focus on. I had jotted down some things that I wanted to look into today. I watched some videos and took in some information that could help me with my social media posts and getting more eyeballs on my offers. As I lay there, I wondered what would help me get to the next level of what I needed mentally to progress my business and my overall thought process. I came up with a formula, to getting what you want. I am honored to share this with the world, I had heard many people put the words I am about to express to you in different ways. To be honest grasping what exactly they meant was a little tough so I basically streamed lined it cut out the fluff and I am giving you the raw version that anyone can do. This Formula can change your life if you give it a chance. It is given completely free, and I am not looking for anything in return for this. Besides having my children 🧒 what I am about to give to everyone may be one of my greatest gifts I can to the world.

 To begin this formula, I have a key 🗝 for you to follow the words that you need to pay attention will have a numerical value to them, example (1) wants, the number will appear in front of the word for its significance it has in this formula. 

 (1) Want ➕ (2) Desire then ad (3) Clarity. So, you need to be clear about what you want, you must desire that and be clear about everything.

Steps to achieving what you (1) Want is (4) Manifestation or (4a) Action. By doing this you have put your (2) Desire into (4a) Action. 

 When you raise your (5) Vibration to the level of what you (1) Want you need to understand that the (5) Vibration of what you (1) Want is higher than your current (5) Vibration. 

 Your current (5) Vibration is functioning at a low (6) Frequency. This is why what you want, or desire are hard to get because they are on a different frequency than where you are at now.

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These next steps are key please do not skip this. You must raise your vibration to match the frequency of your desire. This is easy to do you may smack yourself for not thinking to do it earlier in life, LOL.

Think 🤔 about what you (1) Want. Now think about how you would (7) Feel, Feel, once you got it.

 Explore this (7a) Feeling, this is the (6) Frequency of the (2) Desire, you must match this frequency of what you want by raising your vibration.

  You need to (8) Focus on getting what you want by becoming a (5) Vibrational match to what you desire. This may seem simple and to be honest it will be once you get real with yourself and your circumstance and apply this formula to get what you desire. 

My hope for anyone reading this post is that you understand and get the most out of this it can change your life not in 5 years but right this very moment. Apply this to formula every day and see your world come to life share this blog with someone you care about give them Formula for Abundance  

Watch this video and learn how to manifest like a boss 

Here are some tools to help you focus and manifest fast

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you purchase a plan. However, these are the tools I have vetted and fully recommend when it comes to making extra money.

Thank You


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