40 Days and 40 Nights 

 You are about to become a part of a social journey of epic proportions, uh not the current social experiment but an epic journey, oh I said that already, um well it's going to be cool anyway. The real-life account of an entrepreneur let's call him Cool hand Luke. Luke is determined to succeed at all costs no matter how many speeding tickets he has racked up in a month (8) nothing will slow him down (maybe some spike strips) he is bound and determined to win the foot race out of the county jail cell against all odds. His dream of having success can't be denied or his baby mama going to send the goon squad. His theme song or at least the part he remembers goes like this " I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I would have known just one second you would be back to bother me, Oh now go -walk  out the door just turn around now cause you're not welcome anymore, weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye did you think I'd crumble did you think 🤔 I'd lay down and cry Ow not I - I will survive as Oh as long as I know where the cantina is I will always drink and drive, uh don't think that's exactly how the song goes but you get the point he is determined to win.

 This will be an experiment in real world time to see if you come from the bottom to the top with a dollar ($50 to be exact) and a dream. The setting for this tail of triumph or defeat is set upon current times of gloom and doom. You will see or read firsthand 🖐 of the struggle Luke faces after becoming a disabled man in the prime of his life after an accident. Dealing with chronic pain from spinal injuries sustained in the accident, his carefree lifestyle is but a distant memory like the deserts thinking of the misty rain. The prospects of a normal life seem unlikely in his current situation, so Luke turns to his imagination for inspiration. Survival when you are an injured lone wolf seems bleak. The world seems to be going through a manmade crisis the educated turn blind eye while politicians and health professionals take center stage. Luke see's people hurting and feels their pain he wants to help people who feel they have no reason to go on, no hope. 

 Four months after the accident Luke filed for unemployment which seem to alleviate some pressure but as he always did, he didn't hold on to the money for long. Luke always depended on his body and his wits to get him out of anything except now his body was damaged permanently. He battled with the pain every day and night, A grown man sometimes tears ran down his cheeks he hadn't cried in years, but his body ached, and he was in anguish. While the funds lasted Luke managed to buy a laptop and some film equipment, he started a YouTube channel and tried his hand at comedy he loved to make people laugh took his thoughts off the pain. Then just as soon as the money began to roll in from the unemployment agency his former employer disputed his claim, and he was cut off from the aid he needed to survive. He had to see various Doctors and medical 😷 personal for help with his condition. He wondered are some of these people trained properly after one of the persons almost broke his neck.

 The YouTube channel was slow to do anything it got so bad he had to watch his own videos. He tried to start a following on Facebook and it was ok but for some reason all the people on his feed were from India same with his Instagram. He was floundering so he had to do something he tried working part time. Luke had a high tolerance for pain he just did what he had to do but paid the price for it later, all with a smile and a joke 😂. Eventually all of the physical activity that his body was struggling to handle caught up to him and his body locked up on him. Bed ridden for 3 days before he was at least able to move. The few weeks of working had taken a toll, he realized that his life would never be the same.

 Luke decided to try to make money online since he wasn't able to do physical work and had no other way to support himself. In a pragmatic pessimistic world that we live in where sarcasm is praised, individuality is persecuted, Luke realizes that the deck is stacked against him. 

 Continue to read this blog about the next 40 days and 40 nights of an entrepreneur who not many believe can succeed in the social chasm of reality. Bear witness to the struggles and trials of a man battling the world outside and the world within. Armed with his laptop and spotty WIFI he will go where no man has gone before (to bed) not. He will go where no man has gone before and become the legend the world has never seen.  https://superiordivisionbrandz.blogspot.com/2021/03/40-days-and-40-nights-are-about-to.html  Continue the fun and read 40 Days and 40 Nights Day -1



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