How to sell to Anyone 

Selling is the key to marketing does not matter what product it is from your home to a can of soda all products must be sold. Sure we all know this, then why does selling seem so difficult. I think it has to do with personalized trust issues and stereotypes. The truth is most of us have been brought up incorrectly and judge people by what we feel about how we think about what they represent then actually finding out what they represent. However that came to be if your a person with a product to sell and you do not have a great deal of confidence it may be difficult for you to sell and do well with it. The biggest obstacles in your way are these negative stereotypes, personal judgement based on looks, an uncomfortable environment and our favorite skepticism ๐Ÿคจ. Lets talk about getting around these obstacles shall we. 

 Negative stereotypes we all have them just look around I'm sure there is someone in your vicinity that you could pick apart with your eyes ๐Ÿ‘€. Well as a salesperson/ marketer you may be judged by the same lens and you will have to overcome this problem. The best way to deal with this is to start your day with an objective and goals that you should attempt to obtain and keep yourself on point and on target throughout your day. Have an upbeat personality and try to be pleasant and smile. By doing these things your positive vibe should attract and overcome the negative stereotype that you may encounter.
 Personal judgments based on a person's look, sad to say but many people even in today's advanced culture judge based on visual assessment of individuals they happen to see, many don't give the individual any room to plead their case before the judgement is handed down ๐Ÿ‘‡ often it is a negative one at that, it is rather amazing that the world functions at all considering how prevalent this mindset is. The best way to deal with this is to ignore ignorance to actually allow your positive energy to become diluted in the mental cesspool is just setting you up for failure and that is something my friend you can't afford.  

 Uncomfortable environment seems to be an everyday occurrence whether you feel welcome or not this is perhaps one of the most unavoidable situations that you will encounter. How to deal with it if you must be in the environment and for what ever reason cannot go to a more appealing place then you will have to face this impediment. The best way to deal with this is to have a deeper understanding of the situation and why people may act the way they do. This will allow you to not internalize any of toxins from the environment but rather be an example of how a positive attitude can change things for the better.   

 Last but not least overcoming skepticism ๐Ÿคจ, Ow well your shit out of luck here, blog post done good night. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ I kid I kid, however this may be the main component between making a sale or not. Many have just learned to use skepticism as a fall back to object to any and everything. Here is what the conversation would be like, "Can I interest you in this?" Answer " Nope"   another time it could be this "Can I help you with this?"  Answer "Nah "  or even this " Would you like?"  Answer " No stop calling me"   " Oh Ok just wondered if you wanted a million dollars, but oh well life goes on next name on the list."  People don't listen to the question they just say no whatever your product or service is it could impact their lives positively but they will never know this because of a skeptic mindset. To overcome or at least combat this type of thinking find out politely of course what is it exactly that the individual is objecting to then politely explain how your product or service can actually help them and reassure the individual that it is ok ๐Ÿ‘Œ to have objections because you have solutions.  How to sell to anyone
Are you trying to break into sales online do you need training and proven marketing tools to be successful maybe these tools can help

 Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you purchase a plan. However, these are the tools I have vetted and fully recommend when it comes to making money on  the Internet. Continue to read more blogs like this one  How to go viral on Facebook 

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