What is holding you back in life ?


 What is holding you back in life? 

This topic has been long overdue to write a post about. This absolutely affects everyone on the planet. If you have read any of my previous posts, then you may be familiar with How to Get What You Want in Life that blog post dealt with the situations of living in a pandemic world. What we learned was that anxiety and stress can affect all of us and we need each other to heal. The lines of communication and the understanding that there really isn't a real enemy unless we make one is key. Today we are living in a world deeply divided on almost every subject and issue. I look at all this from the standpoint that a small minority wants to control the majority. You may not see it as I do your feelings and emotions may lead you to make another observation that I don't currently hold. I want you to know this is not about who's right or wrong but moreover, it does bring us all to the table. To recognize one important fact and that is there is something really wrong.  

So how do we as a community go on? How do we heal from these superficial wounds? Well, we can begin by going into my favorite place which is the mind. Yes, I wrote once before about Mastering your mind this blog told you what you are actually capable of. Even with all of that information, it will be hard to digest if we haven't figured out How to learn anything So it all basically comes down to mindset. This one thing can determine the path that you find yourself on for the rest of your life. Why is this so? Our mindset encompasses many components. When we use the five senses which are sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing we are gathering information. Once we have the information we process it, then based on familiarity we make a judgment or a decision. Now we usually are unaware that we are constantly doing this but make no mistake we are absolutely doing this. It is kind of like flying a jumbo jet. Now, most people think that the pilots are flying the aircraft as soon as the plane is in motion. True enough there are certain procedures where the pilots are at the controls and are making the craft respond manually but not for the whole flight. Mainly take-offs, landings, and flying through crowded air space are usually when the pilots are hand flying the plane. Now if the flight goes as planned most of the duties will be turned over to the auto-pilot control system. The pilots put in a heading and make instrument adjustments they double check that they are always on course and the autopilot does the rest. This is how the unconscious mind works. It does routine processes on autopilot now what's really cool is if you ever see someone who appears to be talented. Well like a physical talent because of repetition your subconscious mind learns and transfers this to the unconscious mind. Now it is preprogrammed autopilot. Your five senses recognize that you're doing what you've been training to do then it happens on autopilot.  

Now with all that being understood why mindset is a constant issue for all of us. It's because of repetition, when we hear something over and over, we internalize it. When we do this our subconscious mind cannot tell or determine what is true or false. The reason this matter is simply this let's say you grew up and you wanted to do something like be a pilot. Now nobody in your family has ever been a pilot and through word-of-mouth, people may think that it would be incredibly hard to become a pilot. So, you're a child and you fantasize about being a pilot because you use your imagination. You play day in and out like you are a pilot. In your mind, you are a pilot, and you know exactly how to fly the plane. Now we all know this is in the realm of childhood thinking and is not reality, or is it? So, as a child, you believe that you can absolutely fly a plane even though you have never been on one. That has no bearing on the belief and what your subconscious mind understands and then transfers over to the unconscious mind as reality. Now it isn't until you meet someone outside of yourself that tells you that you can't fly a plane and you will never be a pilot. Up till that point of exposure you never contemplated for one second that you couldn't do this. Upon hearing this you will more than likely go to other people to see what they think about things. Now if you hear the same bit about how you can't do something you will internalize it, and this becomes your new reality.  

The reason most of us have a problem with mindset is that we have listened to views that may go against what we feel is true. It's at this moment when we need to know How to have faith when we do, we can keep our mind focused on the goal or purpose that we desire. Yes, it is that simple and complex at the same time. The reasons for this, we are spiritual, physical, and emotional beings. Once we fully grasp this then we can understand what we need to do specifically in our own lives to maintain the mindset we need to succeed in life.   

Erik Vance explains the science behind the mind’s mending powers in his new book, Suggestible You

By  on 

In his new book, Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain's Ability to Deceive, Transform and Heal (National Geographic Publishing, November 2016; 288 pages), science writer and Scientific American contributor Erik Vance seeks to explain one of our brain’s most remarkable powers: its ability to heal both mind and body. Vance explores the profound influence our thoughts, feelings, and expectations can have on our well-being—how a positive outlook can, for example, help ease physical pain. How this mind-body link manifests remains mysterious, but decades of research have clued us into some fascinating connections. Vance talks to Scientific American Mind about his investigation of the placebo effect

We become in harmony with what we focus on. Yes, our thoughts are not whimsical things they are so much more than that. I believe if human beings ever reach their full potential their very thoughts would have enough energy behind them to move mountains. You must suspend all beliefs that you have about reality as we know it. To go deep inside your own mind and learn who you are in the world and the universe. Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry has been sitting on the cure for all illnesses? Why can I make this statement because of what I know and what I believe? I want to first point out that this is a blog and as I stated at the beginning of this post we may have different views. With that said I am going to tell the world right here and now what can cure all illnesses and diseases. Hint you will find it all over the world and there is no shortage of it. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your background is whether you are rich or poor. The thing that the pharmaceuticals know about is called a placebo. So, what is a placebo? Definition of a placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment that is designed to have no therapeutic value. Common placebos include inert tablets (like sugar pills), Now the thing that is known in the industry but never spoken about is when someone has an illness that cannot be treated but the medical team prescribes a placebo, and the patient fully recovers. So why did this happen there was no treatment available the patient should have gotten worse, but the opposite happened. How can this be? The real question may be How deep is your faith  

The reason that the medical profession will give is that they have no explanation must be a clinical miracle. So, let's examine the miracle shall we, this shouldn't be too hard with all the fact-checkers we have running around these days. Now the medical diagnosis whatever it may have been was so severe that they ruled out any treatment that would be beneficial for a positive outcome for the patient. The decision to treat with a placebo could be viewed in many different ways I will leave that up to you to decide if that is wrong or right. So, this is what I believe is absolutely possible when we understand the mindset and the power of the mind. The patient believed that the placebo was a treatment or cure for what made them ill. The patient believed this so much that they made a full recovery by sheer force of will. The mechanism by which this was possible is faith and belief. With no evidence to be found of any truth the belief that the patient had in their own recovery made it possible. The patient had a positive outcome because they imagined it and manifested it into reality through the subconscious and the unconscious mind manifested it into reality. The patient may have been the only one who believed that they would be fine and had no resistance to this thought.  

When we have the resolve of the patient who recovered after getting a placebo for an illness where there was no treatment. We learn how to prepare our minds to do great and miraculous things. What holds many of us back is we hold on to negative beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of. We listen to the naysayers who will always shoot us down. We then internalize all of these negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The result is that we become emotional cripples and cannot function anywhere near our full potential. Anyone with a fully functional brain and mind is capable of anything when you accept this nothing can hold you back.  

Are you ready to realize the full potential that you have locked inside you then I implore you to get this free E-book Manifesting Mastermind? All you need to do is click the link and sign up with your e-mail so we can send this free E-book to you. Also, this will allow us to communicate other free and paid promotions to you. Here's the link for your free E-book Manifestation Mindset    

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