Mastering your mind how the law of attraction and manifestation actually work

 Mastering your mind how the law of attraction and manifestation actually work

The mind is where all dreams go to die lol, maybe not all but most of them. This is a very bold statement but is it true. The simple answer is an emphatic yes. So why is it true that human beings possess a brain composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem? The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain composed of the right and left hemispheres. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the human brain and the brain makes up 2% of a human being's body weight. The human brain is made up of 60% fat recent research has learned that fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules that determine your brain's integrity and ability to perform. Now I'm about to get into the nerdy parts of this please bear with me this will only take a minute. The microanatomy of the human brain is primarily composed of neurons, glial cells, and neural systems. stem cells and blood vessels. Needless to say, we got a lot going on up there. Now the fun facts researchers have found are that the brain is good at calculating the likelihood of various events and remain flexible enough to account for new information. See there, we are wonderful machines, and you thought your I-phone was the shit, LOL. While other bits of juicy information would be wonderful to share it would also be extremely boring and if you have read me before I loathe boredom and still haven't quite understood the love of the SUV because it screams boring, LOL. To be fair I understand the practicality of it doesn't make it look any less boring 😁 

If you have stuck around this long then this next bit will probably shock the hell out of you so sit down, please and hold on to something (remember these instructions as they will be used later on in this blog) As a number a "petabyte" means 1024 terabytes or a million gigabytes, so the average adult human brain can store 2.5 million gigabytes of digital storage. Now that is shock and aw if I may say so myself but what does it really mean?  Well, the short answer is that we are not living anywhere near our full potential. So, with that said we definitely have some room for improvement so let's begin. What does it actually mean to master your mind? Hmm, I see some head scratching going on and a big sigh. Mastering our minds or more specifically our thoughts is something that we actually have control over, and it is easy to do. The mind has an infinite amount of material that it can draw from and get information from to form an idea. However, it does not do this task alone it has a sidekick named the imagination. The wonders of the imagination are where anything is possible, and everything can happen. As before when we talked about the parts of the brain now, we will discuss the parts of the mind. I know you thought that there was just one part, but you were wrong like you always are 😋 LOL. There are 3 parts of the mind the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. So, we already know that the brain can store 2.5 million gigabytes of storage and that we don't use a tenth of its capacity. We also know that we can process the information on the fly while we are doing a task and be able to make critical adjustments in our data analysis. We add to that the ability of the mind and imagination and you have a recipe for infinite possibilities. 

 The Law of Attraction We have heard of it but what is it really, Is this some kind of pseudoscience. The definition of the Law of Attraction is based on a pseudoscience on the belief that positive and negative thoughts bring on positive and negative experiences into a person's life. The idea is that people and their thoughts are made up of pure energy. The process of like energy attracting like energy exists through which a person can improve their health, wealth, and relationships. However, according to Wikipedia, there is no empirical scientific evidence to support this claim. Well let's examine this statement shall we while I do not wish to spread misinformation, I would like to challenge this claim based on an experiment that you at home or wherever this post finds you will participate in, then and only then from your own opinion. The world that we currently live in operates on a monetary system that you are well aware of, the importance of this will be laid out in a few sentences. All information comes from a source, and the most relevant sources usually have some credentials (meaning they are credible for the information provided) This is all well in good, but the issue comes in when lobbyists and private interest groups pay money to tip the scales of the information that the general public is given access to the certifying this information as fact. Then any information on the subject in question that does not fit the criteria of the source setting the standard is discredited. In other words, if you want something to be judged and perceived as a fact you need to pay for it.

 This blog post is generally about using the ability that you were born with to master your mind and your thoughts, as well as manifest using the Law of Attraction. The best way to show someone something and give them clear evidence is by providing undeniable proof. So here goes all I ask is that you clear your mind of any skepticism and see the example for what it truly is then we will see how this truly works. Do you have children or more specifically been around a newborn baby for any length of time? If you, have you may have noticed some things about babies specifically and their mothers or caregivers. We will come back to what these things are in a sec but first I need to point out that newborn babies cannot communicate like we do by talking, body language, or writing but they still communicate all the same. Now getting back to things you may have noticed that babies will cry when they need our attention. Upon hearing the crying, we immediately stop what we are doing and tend to the baby's needs. We observe the baby then the first thing we check is the diaper (If so equipped) then depending on when the baby had its last bottle, we prepare a meal. Now if everything physically is ok with the baby it may be fed burped and cleaned. The baby gets services and then either plays for a bit before going to sleep this cycle will repeat over and over for the most part at certain specific time intervals. Now the scenario that I just referenced goes on millions of times every year, so my point is this very normal action that happens millions of times in a given day is done because of what exactly?  A newborn baby cannot speak but it communicated effectively to the parent what it needs. Let's look at this common scenario through a different lens to see if it makes sense. The baby needs to be changed its nervous system senses that it is uncomfortable, but a baby's mind is not developed enough to know it needs to clean and its diaper changed so what is happening. The baby communicates through its subconscious mind by sending a signal to the parent by crying or using sound/vibration. Upon hearing the child cry the parent interprets the signal that has been received from the child and proceeds to care for the child. Now, most of you have probably never given any thought to how these communications happen with children as well as animals but they do happen in just that way. The thing to note is we are unconsciously aware of these things another example is your breathing. Unless you are having difficulty breathing, we don't consciously think about breathing it just happens this is controlled through the unconscious mind and the brain stem. 

 I know you doubting Tom's, Dick and Harry's are out there but to be fair if I wanted to truly bend your mind, I would just say the last statement in a slightly different way that you may not have noticed just by moving the order of the words around changes the statement to Tom's, Harry Dick, LOL 😁 I would bet a million dollars you didn't see 👀 that coming but I digress. So, you see the power of your mind, and your imagination is quite powerful. Okay yes, I am toying with you how else can I get you to pay for my kids' tuition to Numb Skill University that's been churning out educated idiots since 1945. Disregarding the previous statement my kid has decided to be a Cat Burglar 😸 he said it pays better and he only has to work a few times a year 😉 as a parent how can you argue with that logic. Ok, enough of the comedy interlude it's back to business for you boys and girls time for me to teach you how to use that mind of yours. 

 Now we are at the part of this post where you unfortunate losers 😁 get to participate. (That was a joke stop potting) OK, what I need you to do is clear your mind I mean get rid of that Hamster cage you got in the back of your brain that thing has been back there for years. Yes, clear your thoughts if you need close your eyes until you were able to do this I'll wait because I got nothing else to do, alrighty are you ready to begin. I hope so because I'm about to take you on a mental journey through your very own mind and if we are successful (meaning you don't wind up as a vegetable in your local Hospital) then you will have no doubt the power of your mind and what you are capable of. Take in a deep breath and release it slowly roll your neck from side to side to release any stress and anxiety. You are with friends who want you to succeed in this voyage of your mind. The process that we are about to embark on will reveal to you who you are at this moment in time. As we are all on a path a sort of journey through this life that can be at times difficult, we are often afraid and clueless because we don't know who we are. Today you will take a step in the process of discovering who you are and how powerful you can be. To think all of this has been with you this whole time hidden in plain sight. You may have doubts and fears that is quite all right because everything that has happened to this point in your life has led you here. Shall we begin? 

 Using your imagination as you are reading these words, I want you to picture in your mind's eye a place in nature that is nestled at a high point in rugged terrain. A luscious green menagerie of vegetation tall trees and mossy rocks. In the distance, you can see a clearing you walk towards it clearing away the thick brush as you move. You hear the birds talking and squirrels scurrying about from tree to tree. So much vibrant wonderful life all about you. You take in a deep breath and the gentle smell of lavender invades your nostrils a heavenly smell, you realize as you make your way up the ridge to the clearing, you're in paradise. You hear the cool rush of water nearby and see the falcons flying high above cresting on the wind. You walk to the water's edge which is now about 20ft in front of you, to your left is a canoe it has a life jacket brand new paddles, and safety equipment inside. As you walk closer for a better look you noticed that the life jacket has initials engraved on it something odd occurs to you, and you realize the initials match your own. You smile and take another deep breath loving how intoxicating the lavender feels. Your curiosity has taken hold and you want to explore paradise you walk to the water's edge and then glance back at the canoe. It sits there glimmering back at you with its deep royal blue and gold strips. You walk over and drag the canoe to the water's edge you put on the life jacket which is a perfect fit. You take off your shoes and socks and toss them on the ground then push the canoe into the current. The water is cool and feels great you climb into the canoe and start heading in the direction of the current. The sun is high in the sky you feel the warmth, but it is refreshing as you paddle the boat along the waterway looking at nature and the beautiful scenery. You look at your watch it's a shade after 2pm as you drift down the waterway relaxed and unbothered blissfully unaware of any dangers. Nothing can be more peaceful than this it's perfect. You have been in the sun now for some time and you catch yourself getting a little drowsy. You think it may be a good idea to head back upstream as you adjust to get your bearings you realize something. Not sure what it is you're in a state of wonderment and not fully aware then it hits you like a dart between the eyes that the paddles are nowhere in sight. You look from the front to the rear of the canoe but nothing. You see from the corner of your eyes two people jumping up and down they are on shore about 50ft away from you. You scramble about looking from left to right when you realize the current has picked up a lot you appear to be moving forward at a pretty steady clip. You didn't realize it before because of the intoxicating scent of lavender which lulled you into a sleepy state. You must have dropped the paddles into the water when you drifted off to la la land. You try to signal to the two women who are now pointing at something, but it isn't you. What in the heavens are they pointing at all you can see is the flat waterway and a slight increase in the speed of the current? As you look toward where the woman is pointing you see a strange display the calm that lulled you to sleep is now different. You see these huge birds in the distance flying in a strange pattern, there appear to be about 7 or 8 of them gliding about. You think maybe an animal or something is distressed, and the birds are very interested in this a cool chill goes up your spine. A sense of impending dread has crept up into your head and no matter how calm you want to be in the moment you can't seem to shake this feeling. You look back towards the women who now have what appears to be a sign you try to read it but the current has really picked up and the canoe is sloshing from side to side. You have picked up a great deal of speed at this point you try to get your head turned around to see the woman holding the sign. You can just about make out what it says so you spell it out looks like one of the signs says ALL the other sign says WATER. You try to focus your attention, but the sign doesn't make much sense, but you are in the water after all. You look ahead and you can see the birds a bit more clearly you try to make out what type of birds these were. Maybe Condors are extremely big birds maybe eagles except well these birds are um well ugly. You have never seen such hideous-looking birds and they have now noticed you as well. The speed of the current seems to have slowed down considerably you can finally catch your breath you were beside yourself for a moment. You rummage around the canoe and find a safety kit you open it up you see several items a first-aid package a flare gun and some mini binoculars. You look over the items carefully and then you pick up the binoculars and again look back toward the women. You see them they appear frantic but you're not sure why everything seems fine the current has slowed down but you're in the middle of the waterway which appears to be at least 300ft across. You glance down at the signs they were waving you can now clearly see one says WATER then you barely can see the other sign that you mistook as saying ALL. You realize your mistake the blood rushes from your face you can't seem to catch your breath cold sweat flows from your brow. You turn and look out at the serene landscape everything appears to be moving in slow motion. You have lived your life, and everything had come to this moment as you utter the word that was on the signs WATERFALL.  The canoe crests like a roller coaster pulling up to the highest point of the ride before all hell breaks loose. Your trembling fear has you in its grips you try to hang on to every breath as if it were your last. You look out around paradise for the last time. Everything gets eerily quiet the front of the canoe pitches up as you move forward like riding on a cloud you can't hear anything over the chattering of your teeth. Remember when we first started this blog, I told you to sit down and hold on to something now would be a good time to do that. You feel as if you're floating you seem to know that every hair on your body at that moment is standing straight up. You brace your feet wide apart and pull the strap to the canoe tight the front of the canoe tumbles over and you drop. A straight free fall the speed is nauseating water particles are slamming into your face and up your nose. You are so scared you hold the straps so tight your hands are cut and bleeding. You want to look; you need to look but the G forces are so strong that your body is forced to a laid-back position while falling down toward an endless abyss. You manage to open your eyes as you hear the crash and feel the rush of water collapsing your chest the canoe sinks under the tremendous rush of water. You hear something it is a continuous pounding that gets louder and louder. You hear a voice you struggle to make it out then you hear it clearly " Get the fuck out of the tub I got to take a shit dam you did fell asleep in the tub again one of these days one of these days" 

This was only a test to see if, in fact, you possess the skill to let go and allow your imagination to take over your sensibilities for a little while to suspend all notion of reality and to fantasize. If you were able to do this, then you just had an amazing experience. You were excited and delighted you saw everything and most importantly you felt everything as if you were actually in the story. You may have experienced an array of emotions from tranquility to dread and just about everything in between. The fact that you were able to do this is because your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not. The subconscious mind and the imagination create the template for whatever you're thinking to become real. If you were reading this post and your heart began to race and you got short of breath, then this is undeniable proof that this works. When it comes to manifesting what you want you will have to be able to utilize the hidden powers that reside in your mind. You will need to believe that what it is that you want can actually be obtained by you. You will have to suspend any doubt that you have about this manifestation. When you do this your subconscious mind, and your unwavering belief will make it so. 

I hope you were entertained and enlightened by this post I hope to reach viewers from around the globe who are excited about the work and would like to give me feedback on what you thought.

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Discover what has been missing your whole life and become empowered using thought suggestions. Make no mistake these are very powerful and will help put you in a state where you are one with the life you always wanted. The most powerful, accomplished, and successful people have paid tens of thousands to learn what you are about too. Stop letting the life you want to pass you by clicking the link and start living. genie-scripts

Thank you.


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