Selling your soul to a Devil
Selling your soul to a Devil
Hello ladies and gents, I hope this post finds you well the topic of today's much-needed blog is the current global man-made crisis. I realize that some of you readers are devoted to your beliefs and try as I might I am not trying to dissuade you from it. Nope to the contrary, I want you to proudly stand tall in your assimilated views of the world as we know it. To boldly embrace that which you embolden display daily. However, the truth that surrounds many people's judgment is really not about the particulars of a subject whether you may be for something or against it. This blog is specific in its aim to bring to the surface one glaring fact and that is you, wanted this, by becoming a party to the madness currently on display. You acknowledge your complacency as well as full support of the contract. What's that you say you have no knowledge of any contract oh come on don't be coy or bashful there just simply isn't any time for that. You have been signing contracts all of your life, but this particular contract is special. By your actions and or deeds, you signed a contract that is bound by blood and cannot be forfeited, the contract in question is why I'm compelled to write this post. The very balance of nature and the forces in the Universe need you to know what you have done. A contract that is ultimately bonded by blood is needed when selling your soul to a Devil.
To the power structure at play here you have nothing to fear I'm just a crippled old man that nobody ever listens to, so it's all god. Moving on the plan that is being rolled out for sustainability is to basically get rid of anyone who could oppose it. But what does that actually mean the removal of all obstacles that could hinder the plan? Let's see the world population at this time is nearing 8 billion, perhaps sustainability is for maintaining the population. Yeah, that makes perfect sense now I got it all wrong these people have just been misunderstood is all. They are just looking out for our best interest how could I have been so blind. All these great examples of how much they actually care for us look like they give us free vaccines that nobody asked for. (Oh, maybe somebody did) Lockdowns to keep us from talking oh I mean to keep us safe. Open borders so anything and everything can happen. They spray us with chemicals that we think are clouds. They help us prevent forest fires with weather manipulation technology. They even censor our voices on social media saying we violated some policy or that the Russians did it. They have infiltrated every branch of government around the world. They play cat and mouse games posing as peaceful protesters only to surprise us by waiving us into a building and then saying we broke in and even posed for a selfie at the door you guys are such jokers I knew it was you the whole time. Drug trafficking then blames it all on minority youth that you help deliver into your privately owned jails that are on the New York Stock Exchange. You really love us to death, don't you? You separate minority families and turn the women against the men with your handouts and brainwashing techniques so much so that they believe this to be normal. You pit people of different ethnic backgrounds against each other competing for resources and scrapes that you call equal opportunity. You tell religious leaders to shut their mouths or else. Sex and human trafficking the most vulnerable to give you an endless supply of adrenalin (Chrome) is out of date.
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