How to get the things you want in life

                                           How to get the things you want in life

 From the time we enter this world and every second after we are always wanting more and more things. This is a normal trait but why are most people unhappy. Unhappiness leads to stress and many health conditions which could be alleviated if people were happy. Whether it is our environment or anxiety many of us are so unhappy. One of the reasons for this is that we don't have what we believe will make us happy. We become extremely hard to deal with our irritation goes through the roof. So, what can we do to become happier and most importantly get what we want? In this blog, we will take a peek under the cover to see what is actually going on between the sheets. We will try to shed light on this new normal of unhappiness that has taken over people all over the world. And finally, we will attempt to offer some solutions to solve the issues you may be having so you can get the things that you want.

 Recent polls done on American adults since the start of the global pandemic found that more Americans are unhappy than they have been in the past 50 years. Now we will have to put that into some sort of context with how race and ethnicity have been a constant issue. When we move those two variables from the equation, we see that people overall are not happy. So, besides the situation, many of us face every day with these new rules and regulations what else is making people so unhappy. One of the key elements to being happy is mental stability. 2020 hit us all like a ton of bricks you found out who your real friends were, lol I kid, I kid. But really things got completely flipped upside down. Many people have probably gone insane. Not many people in the general population would think that things would get so bad for mental health. Alas, it has, so here we are a shattered republic. 

 Anxiety and stress have taken a toll on just about everyone these days. From the so-called race riots to the health status of everyone in your current vicinity. It seems like we are constantly looking over our shoulders, trying to avoid eye contact. The call for isolation and distancing has really hurt many of the young people, who learn how to interact with others through sports and yea physical contact. The true toll of all of the safety measures may be immeasurable but we can see people are hurting. Since June 2020, nearly 40% of adults said they are dealing with mental health issues and substance abuse.

 In all societies, you will have citizens who are more predisposed to dealing with more mental health issues than others. However, with the pandemic and the restrictions, just about everyone has been affected mentally. Many people may be feeling like this is a nightmare that they cannot wake up from. The best thing for all of us despite these social distancing recommendations is to find someone to talk to. By expressing our fears and anxieties we detoxify our soul (get it off our chest) we release what could be holding us back. Communicating is the key to regaining our mental footing when times get a little rough. 

 While many people shy away when they are having internal troubles the best thing to do is to find someone to listen to you. You are unhappy and however, that circumstance came to be you need to be heard and comforted. We can act all we want but the truth is at the end of the day although we are more than these physical bodies, we still have emotions, and we need to express what we feel. The emotional, spiritual, and physical parts of our need to be embraced and told that it is ok, and things will get better. Do not ever feel ashamed about these feelings, understand that this is what binds us as human beings.
 One of my favorite melodies was that song from " Little Orphan Annie " You know it" The sun will come out tomorrow you can bet your bottom dollar about tomorrow they'll be Sun" Yes that is such an inspirational uplifting song and I think when your down you need to stop focusing on what is currently going on but what can happen in the future. Today may suck but tomorrow is another opportunity for things to improve. With the proper mindset that things will get better, you will see the impossible is actually possible. Your life struggles may not go away but the sun will come out and the pain that you are feeling now can fade and you can smile once again.

 Have you ever noticed that when your happy things just come to you, it is like some kind of magic that loves you? Happier people get what they want and if they happen to get something they did not want they usually don't sweat it. They just go on being happy and enjoying their lives which we should all do. Life is not about hardships; Life is about experiences my quote. You need to enjoy and experience life and find enjoyment in even the littlest things. Smile and wake up energized just like a child on a holiday expecting a gift the anticipation of living. You will attract the things you want because you will be a vibrational match to them. You will make others around you happier as well.

 So, we live on a planet that is part of a galaxy and is surrounded by a universe. There may be perceived limits within one's mind about what is possible. This thought process is called living with limitations however when you free yourself from this frame of mind, you see the bigger picture. You see that your life and essentially what you want can be limitless. The truth is we hold ourselves back because we don't believe we can have everything we want. I can tell you that many people reading this blog deep down inside don't believe they are the masters of their own destinies. Many people believe it's the company they work for or the government and even their family that hold the key to their future. Nope it is you, anyone reading this blog is capable of having anything they desire in this world, there are some rules but for the most part, it can be done. You have limitless potential stop wasting it.

 The biggest problem in people's lives is that they don't believe in themselves. Low self-esteem describes most people who hate themselves and are miserable. It is so sad because every day you wake up you have the potential to do extraordinary things. Have you ever had a problem that you couldn't figure out then you took a break from it retraced what was going wrong and could hear the voice in your head while you were thinking? Then out of nowhere, you figured it out and chances are it was a simple thing, but you just didn't see it at the time. This is how the universe works through us, we can ask the universe or God or whatever you like to call it about something and sit back and relax but focus on what your issue is, and then the answer will come to you. You do not need a fact checker for this at all. When you are confident and believe that everything is possible you can have anything you want. So, let me ask you this are you just plain and ordinary, or are you vibrant and extraordinary?

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and will follow it and share it with others, if you like this continue reading Formula for Abundance

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