
Showing posts from August, 2021

Has Pandora's Box been opened Part - 3

                               Has Pandora's Box been opened Part 3?  Welcome readers to the 3rd installment of Has Pandora's Box been opened. I would like to thank all of you for the support and for actually taking the time to read these blogs. Pandora as you know is a Greek myth about mortal women created by the Gods. However, Pandora was gifted with many abilities by the Gods who wanted the best for her. Zeus, the most powerful of all of the Gods was skeptical about giving mortals such gifts he saw the struggles and conflicts that mortals continued to get themselves into. He felt that these gifts could possibly ruin mankind. He gave Pandora a box and instructions to keep the box safe and to never open it. Pandora was radiant and full of curiosity about everything she wanted to know why birds fly as well as why men died. Nothing was off limits to her curious demands she needed to know everything; th...

How maintaining a healthy body weight improves your life

                                          How maintaining a healthy body weight improves your life.    Welcome to this blog I hope the subject matter finds you well and in good health. If by chance you are not currently in good health, then we hope to get your mind and spirit going in the right direction to achieve optimal health. The subject of today's blog is body weight, I realize for some people this can be a very personal subject. I would like to express to these people that I understand and am merely offering some alternative solutions to mentally prepare you to battle the demons that haunt your nightmares. What demons am I speaking about well the first and most prolific of these monstrosities? Judgment , yes, this Demon has caused great chaos in the lives of many who feel they are not good enough because of body image. Judgment has a 2nd in command named Ridic...

How deep is your faith

                                            How deep is your faith?    Faith is a subject that has been on a lot of people's minds and just about how much you have may be the real issue. So, we know what faith is from the last blog so then what are the biggest problems that most of us are having when it comes to belief. This blog may or may not be about spiritual teachings as they apply to faith but to the general awareness that we have for it in our daily lives. The obvious fact that we can only believe only a very small portion of what we hear or see is quite alarming. However, you feel about any subject in this day and age there seems to be a pro and cons to just about everything these days. Many people in the media are pushing propaganda based on previously written source material that supports a certain narrative. These sources commonly cite a peer-reviewed p...

Selling your soul to a Devil

                                                            Selling your soul to a Devil   Hello ladies and gents, I hope this post finds you well the topic of today's much-needed blog is the current global man-made crisis. I realize that some of you readers are devoted to your beliefs and try as I might I am not trying to dissuade you from it. Nope to the contrary, I want you to proudly stand tall in your assimilated views of the world as we know it. To boldly embrace that which you embolden display daily. However, the truth that surrounds many people's judgment is really not about the particulars of a subject whether you may be for something or against it. This blog is specific in its aim to bring to the surface one glaring fact and that is you, wanted this, by becoming a party to the madness currently on display. You acknowled...

Mastering your mind how the law of attraction and manifestation actually work

  Mastering your mind how the law of attraction and manifestation actually work The mind is where all dreams go to die lol, maybe not all but most of them. This is a very bold statement but is it true. The simple answer is an emphatic yes. So why is it true that human beings possess a brain composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem? The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain composed of the right and left hemispheres. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the human brain and the brain makes up 2% of a human being's body weight. The human brain is made up of 60% fat recent research has learned that fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules that determine your brain's integrity and ability to perform. Now I'm about to get into the nerdy parts of this please bear with me this will only take a minute. The microanatomy of the human brain is primarily composed of neurons, glial cells, and neural systems. stem cells and blood vessels. Needless to say, we got a lot goin...