How maintaining a healthy body weight improves your life


  How maintaining a healthy body weight improves your life. 

 Welcome to this blog I hope the subject matter finds you well and in good health. If by chance you are not currently in good health, then we hope to get your mind and spirit going in the right direction to achieve optimal health. The subject of today's blog is body weight, I realize for some people this can be a very personal subject. I would like to express to these people that I understand and am merely offering some alternative solutions to mentally prepare you to battle the demons that haunt your nightmares. What demons am I speaking about well the first and most prolific of these monstrosities? Judgment, yes, this Demon has caused great chaos in the lives of many who feel they are not good enough because of body image. Judgment has a 2nd in command named Ridicule, this Demon is an all-time loser and wants to cause pain and strife. The last Demon that one faces when dealing with body weight is probably the closest to us all aptly known as Self Doubt. When we battle these Demons, we are in a war a fight for our very lives. Many people have succumbed to the many injuries of dealing with these malevolent entities. They are ruthless and destructive and will stop at nothing to destroy you. However, you are here and just in the nick of time we almost lost you to the destructive forces that come from within. Welcome to the other side weary traveler and see what living can truly be like when we overcome the Demons and improve your life.  

Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of your life? I mean really it seems like a simple small thing, but have you asked yourself this? Well, I would think that you are here to live a full life and to add to the variety and spice of life. Within you is a unique specialness that the world and the Universe need to cement the bond that can unify everything. So, you see you are special and important remember that always. So how can we defeat our adversary and win the war? We must begin with the basics and uncover why we are at war in the first place. We must go back to the beginning when we first became aware of your existence. Where you give positive reinforcement or harsh criticism.  This may seem otherwise basic, but studies have shown that many people have issues stemming from adolescence that shape the rest of their lives. Whatever nurturing you received may actually be what has been guiding you your entire life. Many don't realize that how we treat children can basically shape their lives. We need to understand that underneath it all no matter how tuff we want to be man or woman we are all emotional creatures. The emotions that we harbor within us will shape how we see ourselves and everything in our reality. So, however, your journey started out you became aware of your physical body you were either proud of it or ashamed. This feeling about your physical body shaped your view of the world and how you fit in it.  

Understanding the wants of the Demons that have plagued you since you became aware of yourself.  Demons are rather basic entities they need energy that you provide through fear and self-doubt to thrive. Think to yourself in the past week how many times you may have been anxious about something and leery about it. These feelings eventually lead to doubt and fear. This feeds the Demons and they become attached to you for sustenance since you seem to have these feelings often. Just be honest with yourself when was the last time that you were confident about a situation that you had no control over? How did you handle that situation and be honest did fear or a little self-doubt creep in about the outcome? If so, this is what is causing your problems you see these Demons wake up with you and lay down with you at night. They are always with you, what's that you don't believe we'll go to a full-length mirror and look at yourself. Now being completely honest what were your thoughts about how you looked if they were not so good this is the demon influencing your mind. You must think of a day in your life when everything went well, and you had so much confidence that you smiled so hard it hurt. Yes, that day the special one this is the specialness that the Universe has bestowed upon you and needs for you to embrace your destiny. What is your destiny? To be happy of course to beam with confidence and pride to influence others with your ray of light. So, what does this all have to do with improving body weight? The answer is basic and simple just like the Demons it's really about the feelings that you manifest.  

Judgment - How can we deal with this Demon once and for all and help improve your overall outlook on life. When we allow someone else's perceived values to influence how we feel about ourselves this is the personification of judgment. So why do we judge and why do we always feel we are being judged. This could be evidence that we are in a state of low energy vibration. When we are self-conscious about everything. One thing that is consistent within the Universe is we often attract what we think about. So, if you believe your weight is an issue that someone may talk about negatively then you will attract that. Conversely, if you view yourself in a positive light then you will undoubtedly attract that to you. So, to effectively deal with this Demon you must not pass negative judgments about yourself or others. This will starve this negative emotional Demon to death, and it will have no choice but to vacate your mental space.  

Ridicule - Many things can hinder any positivity that one may experience one of the most effective blockers is ridiculed. When we are ridiculed, we are most likely not going to be in a positive vibration after it. Moreover, most of us will have negative thoughts and ambivalent feelings. We may develop a dystopia type of mindset about everything. This feeds the Demon, and we are often hard to deal with and seem to be irritable at all times. The most efficient way to deal with this entity will be to embrace any ridicule you may be receiving and to look at it as constructive criticism. Granted this is a big ask of anyone and you really will have to keep all of your faculties to stomach this. However, if you find the internal fortitude to do so you will unleash a power that is so great that this Demon does not stand a chance.  

Self-Doubt - The granddaddy of all malevolent entities. At some point, just about everyone will be attacked by this Demon. It knows no boundaries it will creep into the smallest of crevices and fester. Your deepest darkest fear and traumas are what feed this Demon. It is a master of deception and will use your very own thoughts against you. It will not stop till it has total control of your mind, body, and soul. This is the most dangerous Demon you will encounter on your way to improving your life. Before warned, if you lose too many battles to this Demon, you may indeed lose your life. To win the battle against this powerful enemy you must use the strongest card that you hold. That is love and compassion yes something that seems so simple can defeat the strongest of Demons. Love is always the answer, when you love yourself, you will stop doing all of the things that are hurting you. Self-love will overcome self-doubt each and every time. You were born with the ability to defeat all of these entities but somewhere along your journey, you lost your way. You became isolated and afraid; you were ashamed and ridiculed for being the fat kid. You felt nobody cared about you and then you stopped loving yourself. This Demon knows all of this and has been with you in these times of indecision. The Demon preyed on your low-level vibration and made you doubt yourself and believe that nobody cared or understood. I'm here to tell you that the Universe cares and loves you just the way you are. However, the Universe wants you to start loving yourself as well it wants to see you happy.  

Now that we understand why so many of us fail to maintain a healthy mindset, we can begin the work to live a fuller happier life. You see the basic construct for maintaining healthy body weight is simple it always starts with you. How do you feel about yourself? Do you love the person you see in the mirror staring back at you? If not, then why? You must deal with who you are deep down inside and why you feel the way you do about yourself. When you begin the work, it may be hard at first but maybe you ask the questions and sit back and think. I want you to focus on what makes you happy and then make a list. Then focus on the feeling that you got from each thing on that list. Now I want you to think about becoming healthier and transferring the feelings you had from the things that make you happy to this. I want you to do this mental exercise before you begin a diet or fitness routine. The reason for this is to prepare your mind first and then work on the body. When you have mastered this technique and defeated the Demons holding you back. You will be able to maintain a healthy body weight and improve your life.  

 Are you just starting out on your journey to get healthy and fit then please consider the following? This is a revolutionary new weight loss system that was designed specifically for women. The woman who discovered this breakthrough natural weight loss system learned how foods actually can be used to lose weight. You won't be disappointed by this system it is out of this Universe no pun intended. Please click the link sign up with just your email and start yourself on the path to a healthy fulfilled life. 

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Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you purchase a plan. However, these are the tools I have vetted and fully recommend when it comes to making extra money, motivation, and self-improvement.
Thank you.


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