
Showing posts from June, 2021

How to learn anything

                                                    How to learn anything With the first breath of air that travels to our lungs, we are set on a lifelong mission. This mission will culminate in success or in failure. It will be something that we will use every day of our lives, it will shape our futures and the futures of our children. The mission is to learn, seems simple enough right? For some maybe but not for others, the act of learning appears to be as straightforward as could be...or is it? In this blog, we will explore why learning can be simple and complicated at the same time. We will try to understand why learning is not enough to be successful in the 21st Century. We will ponder what is holding many people back when it comes to basic thought analysis which can lead to slow learning. We will examine the influences of modern-day society on critical...

Has Pandora's Box been Opened Part-1

                                              Has Pandora's Box been Opened Part -1 Pandora's Box is something of a legend, many believe it to be a tale a fairytale. What if the tale came true are we currently living in a false reality where the actors believe the script is real? If so, how did we get to this place, and why are we not doing anything about it. In this post, we won't point any fingers or make any judgments we will examine the fiction and the facts. We will explore the conscious mind of the so-called society and see what is lurking just beneath the surface. Indeed, if Pandora's box is real and if it has been opened then by whom and for what purpose. This post could take some unexpected turns as we leave no stone unturned and shine a light down every crack. We have heard of a term that is often used to discourage the exploration of this kind of conspiracy. We b...

How to get the woman of your dreams

                                                  How to get the woman of your dreams Could this post be one of the most anticipated that I have ever done hmmm maybe? What kind of juicy Easter eggs do I have hidden out back for all you thirsty and lonely singles. Stay tuned and find out, unless you have already thrown in the towel on ever finding that special someone who can brighten up your day and night. I have always been a curious type of person, not a true introvert, but I do think about many situations that people deal with from virtually everywhere on earth. So, this is what my wild intuitive mind has been coming to grips with, how to attract a woman but not just any woman a special woman. Ok, ok I know the PC police are going to catch me and put me in jail stating that all women are special. I will agree but only because you have me at knife point lol, I ...

How to win at Poker

                                                                      How to win at Poker   Poker games can be addictive and wildly entertaining. The emotions that a win or a loss can bring run the gambit of ranges. You can be in the game or watch as a spectator the thrill is extreme and intense. Why do so many people of various backgrounds and ages flock to play these games? In this blog, we will examine why people love this game. Can anyone even a novice play and if so, should they? What are the ends and outs of Poker, can you gain an advantage. Overcoming mental fatigue, and stress while staying focused and disciplined we will discover how to win at poker.  There are many variations of the game of poker this blog will focus on one of them my favorite Texas Hold'em.  Little is known about the inven...

How to have faith

                                                                      How to have faith   This is a subject that I believe everyone can relate to, how to have faith? We live in an interesting time in history. The world can be a great place or a very harsh place depending on how you view it all. Yet we are all living and breathing the same air however our realities may be worlds apart. I recall as a child seeing advertisements for UNICEF that showed people in Africa starving and needing help. I looked at the images of flies all over the people's faces and how they looked. I think I was about 7 or 8 at the time and these images have never left me. As a young person, I really didn't know what to make of all of these things I was fortunate enough to have food and water and a warm place to live. As I think now, I s...

How to make money when your broke

                                            How to make money when your broke  The global pandemic has taken its toll on every aspect of our lives. If you have a business or were an employee, you quite possibly have been affected by everything going on. Lockdown mandates from city and states did very little to help people struggling financially. Small businesses have taken the biggest hit with some states still putting a stranglehold on restaurants as we are approaching June 2021. We were told 3 weeks to flatten the curve that has now lasted 18 months wow. So, what can you do to make money with everything going on? In this post, we will examine what are your best options. We will explore the pros and cons of working post-pandemic. We will deep dive into what will drive economies going forward. Finally, we will attempt to give you a comprehensive guide on how to make money w...