Has Pandora's Box been Opened Part-1


    Has Pandora's Box been Opened Part -1

Pandora's Box is something of a legend, many believe it to be a tale a fairytale. What if the tale came true are we currently living in a false reality where the actors believe the script is real? If so, how did we get to this place, and why are we not doing anything about it. In this post, we won't point any fingers or make any judgments we will examine the fiction and the facts. We will explore the conscious mind of the so-called society and see what is lurking just beneath the surface. Indeed, if Pandora's box is real and if it has been opened then by whom and for what purpose. This post could take some unexpected turns as we leave no stone unturned and shine a light down every crack. We have heard of a term that is often used to discourage the exploration of this kind of conspiracy. We begin to walk the thin line between what is acceptable and what is deplorable. So, kick off your shoes sit back in your favorite chair, and get your popcorn ready it's going to be a wild ride as we answer the question "Has Pandora's Box been Opened".  

So where do we begin? Well like most news outlets these days we will start with a myth. Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology connected to the myth of Pandora in Hesiod's Work and Days. In modern times the idiom has grown from this meaning " Any source of great and unexpected troubles," A present that seems valuable but is really a curse. This should get my thinkers out of their spider senses a little tingly based on current events. With all that said what will be the objective of this post hmm good question. In this post, we will attempt to do well we already told you in the first paragraph what we are going to do LOL. Now the process of how we are going to do it will go like this, we will go through history and examine the places where one could say Pandora's janky little box seemed to have been opened. We will examine those events that led to the calamity of that time and the aftermath of those events. Then we will compare our current global situation to these events and see what hidden gems lay in wait for us, like a masked assailant behind a moving bush LOL.  

History - The collapse of many societies in history usually was precipitated by an ominous climate calamity a drought. Hmm, sounds kind of familiar where have I heard talk about global climate change before it escapes me at the moment. The first ancient civilization we can examine is the Anasazi empire that lasted from AD 100 to 1600 they occupied the lands of the current border states in the US of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. The Anasazi were cliff dwellers who built their homes on the cliff only accessible with ladders. There seems to clash between different tribes within the region, but the end is believed to begin in 1275 to 1300 when a great drought hit the region. 

The next civilization we will explore is the Mayan, the great Mayan civilization has a long history that can be broken into 4 major groups of existence. Early Pre-Classic Maya from 1800-900 BC. Middle Pre-Classic Maya from 900 to 300 BC. Late Pre-Classic Maya from 300- AD 250. Early Classic Maya AD 250 to 600. From the late eighth century AD to the end of the ninth century something happened to cause abandonment and the total collapse of the Mayan Empire. Some scholars believe some of the reasons for the collapse of the Mayan Empire were due to overpopulation, environmental degradation, warfare, shifting trade routes, and extended drought. Yep, so this seems to be the recipe for good things to follow hmm.  

The next civilization that may have been caught up in the mischief of Pandora's box is the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to 476 A.D., the Roman Empire was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31 BC. The Roman Empire lasted for over 1000 years. Several key battles fueled the inevitable collapse of the mighty Roman Empire, the battle with the Barbarians in which the Romans lost up to 20,000 soldiers in a 3-to-4-day period. In 476 AD the Germanic leader Odoacer staged a revolt and deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus. From this time forward no other Roman Emperor would lead from the post in Italy, this was the end of the Roman Empire. The Antonine plague ravaged the empire from 165 to 180 AD. This may have created the conditions that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was also hit hard by dramatic climate change where they experienced droughts and severe weather.  

The previously mentioned civilizations were all thriving and sustainable so what happened? Are there any lessons to be learned from the real-world tale of the rise and fall of these civilizations? What's the relationship between the myth of Pandora's Box and these fallen civilizations? To answer these questions, we must first come face to face with the myth. Pandora was a mortal woman created by the Greek God she was deemed special and given many gifts and abilities. Some of the gifts given to Pandora were from Zeus himself which included curiosity and a heavy box that she was instructed to never open because what was inside was not for mortal eyes. Other Gods gave Pandora gifts from Aphrodite she received the capacity for deep emotion. From Hermes, she gained mastery over language. Athena gave the gift of fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. Hermes gave her the name Pandora. She was breathed to life by Hephaestus God of fire. Pandora was told not to open the box under any circumstance by Zeus.  Pandora fell in love with a titan named Epimetheus who was given the task of designing the natural world by Zeus.  He worked alongside his brother Prometheus who created the first humans. Prometheus was eternally punished for giving humans fire. Epimetheus missed his brother and became depressed. He confided in Pandora another fiery-hearted soul about his sorrow. Pandora loved all manners of life, but she was often distracted because of her thirst for knowledge. Often Pandora's mind wandered to the contents of the sealed box, she would ask herself " What treasure is so great that it could not be seen by human eyes."  " And why is it in my care." Over time Pandora became more and more obsessed with the box and what lies inside. Her obsession became a maddening day in and day out she thought she heard voices calling to her from the box. She thought if she could just get a glimpse inside everything would be alright, she would know things and what could it hurt. She slowly pried the box open and all of a sudden it burst open and dark fog filled the room. She saw horrible demons and screaming banshees swirling around the room the screeching was too much and just as it had begun it suddenly stopped. Pandora knew that what had been released into the world was not something good but a curse upon humanity, she had to do something. She thought to herself what she could do to make the situation better was there any hope. As she thought this the box began to rattle slightly. Every time she thought of one word hope the box began to rattle, like before Pandora pried the box open slightly and this time a warm light sprang from the box flittering around the room. The light spoke to Pandora and said, " Thank you for releasing me I hope I come to this world because you believed in me." Just like that hope flew out the window and only returns when people need it the most, but they have to believe in it for it to appear.  

This is the tale of Pandora's Box, there have been other tales similar to this one such as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the Tree of Knowledge. The curiosity of the main characters in these tails was tied to the downfall of everyone else. All they wanted to do was possess hidden knowledge they did not think that this knowledge could lead to sorrow and pain. When we look at the current state of the world, we see similarities between these fallen empires and Pandora. Each one of these civilizations was thriving and wanted more the hunger to go further with knowledge and expansions of their empires led to ruin. It has been said that the current timeline is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius (the information age).  If this is true, could we be at the crossroads of forbidden knowledge being exposed and triggering the cosmic correction held within Pandora's Box? Let's explore this ancient conspiracy and see if it is at all possible (remember no stone is left unturned right). 

History- 1607 Jamestown Virginia was the first colony settled by the Pilgrims who were fleeing religious persecution. In 1620 they went on to found Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, with the help of Native American Indian tribes. The purpose of colonization in the new world was mainly for business ventures because of the trade routes but also an outlet for England's surplus of population as well as more religious freedom. So many of the settlers did not want to live in an oppressive religious environment and they made deals with wealthy businessmen who financed these ventures to the new world. Amer

History- The American Revolution also known as the Revolutionary War lasted between 1775-1783. Tensions between the 13 North American Colonies and Great Britain's colonial government representing the British Crown. The war was caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and make them repay for defense in the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The British Parliament needed money to pay its war debts and wanted to impose several taxes on the colonies. The colonists protested saying this violated their rights as British citizens. So, the first citizens of the land that would become the United States of America protested the British Crown to whom they were subjects because they felt their rights were being violated. Hmm, this is fascinating, they had more common sense than the current inhabitants we have today. 

The colonists defeated the British in 1781 when British General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender the British position in Yorktown, Virginia. The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The point of the convention was to decide how America was going to be governed. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. It was a list of grievances intended for the King of England declaring justification for separation from British rule. The United States Constitution was signed in 1787.  

The next world empire- The formation of the United States of America, a new civilization with ominous beginnings. The United States was formally a British Colony that did not like the treatment of the British Crown and won its freedom through the Revolutionary War. The newly formed US was supposed to be an idealistic government with checks and balances in the construction of its legislative branches. However, novel the new ideas were in this new world many of the old trappings and habits from the old world were bound to emerge eventually. One of these habits that would make the new empire for its entirety was the enslavement of other human beings for profit. This would be one of the many ways this young nation would open itself to the many horrors and lessons held within Pandora's Box. Slavery in the United States began in 1776 it was the legal institution of human chattel for enslavement usually Africans and African Americans. This way of life lasted for 90 years. Slavery was abolished in 1865 after the Civil War. This young nation started out with hope and promise but had already given itself a black eye with the institution of slavery, its effects have stained the fabric of the country forever. A self-inflicted wound that it may never truly recover from and one of the main reasons for this is the government's failure to fully acknowledge its responsibility for its actions. But instead forming 2 separate societies where people are judged by their color and ethnic origins. As Pandora's Box has been opened in the US chaos and suffering are never far behind. 

I hope you enjoyed reading Has Pandora's Box Been Opened Part-1  
If you have any comments or questions, I encourage open dialogue on any subject matter contained in this blog. 
Continue reading the next blog here: Has Pandora's Box Been Opened Part -2
Thank You


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