7 Ways To Become More Efficient


  7 Ways to Become More Efficient 

Whether you are a college student or a restaurant owner becoming more efficient in your daily activities can offer a tremendous boost by not wasting our most precious commodity, time. You already know the phrase time is money. Actually, time can bring you money, and not just in the traditional ways. When you understand how important every second of every day is and how you can actually leverage your time. You will understand something that few have in the history of the world. Now I know this seems like a huge build-up to a mediocre payoff, but if you read this to the end you will understand how becoming more efficient can truly change your life. 

1. Prioritize your day, by segmenting your day in this way you can focus on what is the most important task that needs to be done. Let's be real here how many of us wake up and just go wherever the wind blows. Yeah, and how many things do we actually get done that are important on those days. If you're lucky one or two. So, it really goes without saying that focusing your mind on what is most important for that day is the priority. Look at it this way say you have some home improvement tasks that you can't find the time to do. When you focus on what needs to be done that day, then you will be able to accomplish that task. 

2. Mental focus because it is so critical. Many of us don't progress at a decent rate because we simply lose our focus. We are not ready to do anything, our minds and bodies seem to be in two very different places. For instance, you're driving to work and there is some light rain and a little traffic. You know in these conditions you need to pay attention, but your mind wonders about the argument you had with your lover. Now your body is riding in the car headed to your job, but your mind is somewhere else. Next thing you know Uh-Oh better call Maaco, just like that thing can happen when we lose mental focus. The best thing to do to maintain your concentration is to clear your mind of any clutter before doing something that requires your full attention. You may be amazed at how a 5-minute mind cleanses or a nap can help. 

3. Goal setting can impact your life tremendously. When we set goals and write them down, we are creating a template for success. We have our priorities in order, and we are mentally focused so now we need to set a goal. The goal should be something that will elevate our situational awareness and be an accomplishment. Goal setting does not need to be hard at all. What is important is how we evaluate our goals and set them up in order like a set of dominoes. As we accomplish one goal immediately, the next one should follow. The impact you will see in your schoolwork, job, or relationships will be undeniable. 

4. Streamline your activities. Ok, I know this seems a little weird but hear me out. When we streamline something that we do habitually we become more efficient in that task. It is simply the law of cause and effect. So, here's another example let's say you work at a chemical plant. Now with the rules and regulations regarding your work, there are strict guidelines to how you must perform. Now within those rules lie the ingredients in which you can streamline some of your activities to make your task more efficient. For instance, if you are working with a list of chemicals having them prepared so that they may be added to the mix would be efficient. As opposed to hunting down each ingredient as you need them, this is an example of streamlining. 

5. Discipline is one of my favorite things 😏 not. LOL. However, you feel about this word and how it has manifested itself in your world. It has shaped who you are today. So, we all need to be disciplined to accomplish our goals efficiently. By being disciplined we are utilizing the maximum efforts of our mental resources. If we had no discipline nothing would ever get done bottom line, we would procrastinate. Many of you are procrastinating right now about something you need to do, but haven't I been right? I know I am but what will tickle you the most under them smelly pits are why I know. Well, that may be a discussion for another blog ha-ha. 😄 

6. Get enough sleep. Well, this would seem like a no-brainer but let's look a little more closely. I tend to work almost every day if you are anything like me. My typical day starts with one of the cats who want to play then I feed the cats. I focus on the goals of the day and set off to accomplish them. Now the process as to how much I get done is subjective as I sometimes do a lot and other days not so much. My jobs deal with a lot of mental work and focus as opposed to physical work. According to Jordan Petterson author and clinical psychologist lack of sleep is detrimental to accomplishing goals. Petterson has had many interviews and he stresses that lack of adequate sleep is a big problem when it comes to being efficient. The main reason for this is the lack of concentration and mental focus. Funny enough while many believe that physical strength is extremely important in certain vocations it is mental strength that is the ultimate victor. Mental concentration is usually only sustainable for a few hours or so however if you exercised any other muscle in this way, it would be completely damaged. 

7. Planning will ultimately determine if you can accomplish your goals efficiently. As anyone knows having no plan will lead to failure. I can't stress enough how essential this ingredient is to make everything work. A plan is like having a map to guide you to where you need to go. Without this map, you can become confused and disoriented. This can lead to a disaster, what if you had been planning a vacation that you had been saving up for a few years. You have your bags packed with airline tickets in hand, and you are pumped. You have dreamed about all the things you would do. The foods you would eat and the people you would meet.  You are so excited and can't wait to arrive at your hotel. You board the plane take your seat and you have such a big smile the flight will be several hours before you land. Everything seems to be going well then you hear over the speaker that the pilot is having some issues. Your alert is not panicked but concerned until you hear the next announcement paging anyone with flight experience. Now panic and dread have replaced excitement and ecstasy. You see that a member of the air force goes to the cockpit, and everything calms down. The flight resumes without incident. You get up to use the lavatory and overhear the stewardess talking about how the pilot failed to plan the trip correctly. So, you see when your efficient things could happen, but you are well prepared if they do. 

Put everything together and now you have the full blueprint of how to become more efficient in anything that you do. Whether that be school or business you can apply these 7 practices and watch how much improved your productivity becomes. This also applies to entrepreneurship something I openly advocate for anyone who wants to improve their life. These principles may seem simple and to be honest, they are but staying the course is what is hard. In life, something will always come out of nowhere to throw you a curve ball. It is at that moment that your discipline will be tested. You will succeed if you practice these principles during the most difficult times. Most importantly you will be more efficient. 

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