Secrets revealed how to lose weight quickly


     Secrets revealed how to lose weight quickly


  Most of the U'S population is on the thicker side of the carousel, they say Baseball is America's favorite pastime, nope it's eating. We love to eat and not just any food but the worst most artery-clogging foods we can find. The greasier the better we seem to like it. So, once you develop this unhealthy love affair with food then what? Then we put ourselves through hell by hating how we look. Yep, blame the beautiful people it's all their fault. I always wondered if it was a mental health problem or a physical health problem. Whatever it is many Americans desperately need help. This blog will try to uncover the underlining reasons for our obsession with food and such an unhealthy lifestyle. To be honest this may take more than one blog to really get down deep into the places no one wants to go. Have no fear the purpose of this post is not to pass judgment but to shed some light and seek out the reasons for the current conditions.

Let's look at the underlying problem that is becoming an epidemic crisis for many in the US. Many people have way too much stress in their lives they are not happy a majority of the time. Age is another factor it's no surprise 😲 that we slow down as we age. Lifestyle, many Americans are constantly on the go and don't eat balanced meals. We frequent the fast-food drive-thru and routinely make these food choices as our main source of nutrients, and energy. Researchers who study genes are noticing some interesting things in families about how their bodies react to certain diets, some families seem predisposed to becoming overweight. While others can remain healthy all of their lives, is it in the genes.

 Why it is no mystery that what we eat, what time we eat, and how active we are after we eat will determine how our body's metabolic rate will be. While a healthy person should be able to metabolize their foods if a person has an underlying health problem, things are very different.


  1. Thyroid hormones T3, T4, and Calcitonin are responsible for maintaining the body's metabolism. A condition called Hyperthyroidism can occur in which the body cannot metabolize or burn fat. This condition is also characterized by fluid retention.
  2. Insulin- This hormone is secreted by the pancreas; it carries glucose into the cells to be used as energy. Insulin is responsible for maintaining glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. When we overeat non-healthy foods such as processed food, fatty snacks, sugar substitute drinks, and alcohol. This overload causes the body to develop a resistance to Insulin, and muscle cells don't recognize glucose bond Insulin, which leads to glucose spikes. 
  3. Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is known as the stress hormone. It is released when you feel down, stressed, nervous or mad. Cortisol makes the body store fat.
  4. Testosterone is known as the strength hormone; it is found in both males and females. This hormone regulates muscle mass and bone density. It is extremely important in the metabolic process and does a great job of burning calories as well as keeping up libido. 
  5. Progesterone is not a hormone but is used by many women around the world as a form of birth control. It can contribute to weight gain, sagging skin, and depression.
  6. Estrogen the female sex hormone if thrown off balance leads to weight gain. Higher levels of estrogen in the bloodstream can be due to estrogen-rich foods and the overproduction of the hormone in the body. As estrogen levels go up, they produce Insulin. The Insulin produces a rise in the glucose level
  7. Premenopausal women have an estrogen deficit, Estrogen levels drop in the body then looks for other sources of this hormone and start to recruit fat cells. 
  8. Leptin this hormone keeps the body's energy level balanced. Keeping hunger at bay, when we eat foods high in sugar the oversupply is converted into fat. This fat gets deposited into the liver, belly, and throughout the body.

  9. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone; it stimulates the appetite. This hormone is increased when you are on a strict diet or fasting. 
  10. Melatonin this hormone regulates the sleep cycle. When this cycle is disrupted, it leads to stress in the body. 
  11.   Now we know what can cause us to gain weight but how do we reduce the weight and most importantly keep it off? Well, this may be one of the most asked questions in modern history and the truth is it begins with you. I'm talking to you while reading the blog stop looking behind you. Yes, the answer starts with you. You should ask yourself these questions and get a better understanding of who you really are.
  12. How much weight do I need/want to lose?
  13. How long will it take for me to lose this amount of weight?
  14. What am I prepared to give up losing this weight?
  15. How will my life improve once I lose weight?
  16. Am I mentally stable enough to start this process?
  17. Do I need help or coaching to do this?
  18. Am I doing this for me?
  19. Will I be happy once I lose weight? 
  20. What is my motivation? 
  21. Can I do this?

The data has come back, and the results are not pretty about 70% of Americans are obese or overweight. Ladies and gentlemen that is a lot of hamburgers and hot dogs. The situation has become an epidemic. Many Americans have become used to seeing it and no alarms have gone off. I can tell you I accept everyone as they come, however, I can't help to notice when I am with someone who is a little on the heavy side struggling to walk and do basic things. I feel for that person, I realize it takes courage to get up every day and go out into the world. So, what can a person do to keep the weight off? Start by getting yourself together mentally. You will need all of your faculties to beat this demon. While you are preparing your mind start by drinking plenty of water at least a gallon a day to flush out toxins. The next thing you should do is write down achievable goals. Look at your diet while it may be extremely difficult to not overindulge make a conscious effort to scale back on things a bit. Set up a calendar and outline specific things you must do every day to achieve your goal. Start a mild exercise routine it can be simple as turning your head from left to right. Also moving your limbs start slow and build up to a more sustainable level of motion. After a month or two add lemon 🍋 to your water. Scale back to only once or twice a week of sugary drinks and make it a point to drink water.

 See you're already working you're the plan that you created and now you're not only looking better but you are feeling great. It wasn't that hard, now results will vary, and you need to take your time. The most important thing is your mindset. Focus your mind and visualize the life that you want, and wake up happy and full of life, energy, and vitality. Remember above all of it, you can do this. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, it is my hope that many people who think that no one cares about them can read this and they become motivated to change their lives. I don't want an award or any of that, but I ask this if you found value in this post please follow and share it with others who may be struggling. 

If you are on your weight loss journey here are some things that may help.

Are you struggling to lose weight and can't figure it out? Many people are where you are right now with that question, so you are not alone. Janice is a 35-year-old mother of 3 beautiful children who wants to be more involved in activities with her kids, but she is overweight and has a hard time keeping up. She struggles to go down a flight of stairs and can hear her heartbeat when doing regular activities. She worries that if she can't lose the weight and becomes ill what will happen to her kids. This thought causes so much stress and anxiety that she can't sleep at night and eats constantly because she feels ashamed. If you identify with Janice, you're not alone most adults over the age of 30 are obese. They face these real challenges of what if. Well, you don't have to suffer any longer in silence and shame just click the hyperlink to get your life back. (Do it for the ones you love)

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Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you purchase a plan. However, these are the tools I have vetted and fully recommend when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight.

Thank You



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