40 Days and 40 Nights Day-12
The weather has been a little erratic starts off cloudy then clears up midday then by 6pm showers. I guess this is truly spring weather after all. I had to bury two of the kittens that did not survive. I was actually pulling for the runt, but it wasn't meant to be she had a lot of fight in her. I scheduled a procedure with the orthopedic clinic they want to give me an injection 💉 for my neck. They say it is a test run to see if this method of treatment will work. I thought the Doctor said they would give me 3 injections on one side of my neck. However, when I got to the clinic, I was told that I needed 3 shots on each side of my neck. This day is turning out to be one for the record books. I wanted anesthesia but since I broke up with my ex about a year ago, I'm solo Dollo. So, yeah I get a treat 6 injections to the back of the head. I will probably be a stuttering Bob once it's all said and done. I get wheeled into a room where the dastardly deed will be performed. I'm transferred over to the operating table face down then hands to my sides, then the Doctor 😷 uttered these fateful words. " Any final request". My eyes bucked wide open I was squirming like a fish on the meat hook. I mumbled out "Go Gadget arm" 🙋 but nothing happened." Go go Gadget fingers," still nothing. They had me stuck with no way to get loose.

Then came the moments of truth, I remained awake for the whole procedure after the numbing medications were placed in my neck the Doctor asked, " Do you feel anything". I just looked at him like really. While I was getting the procedure done a strange fragrance was being pumped out the vents. The smell was that of burnt wiring. The Doctor 😷 instructed the rest of his team that this would be the last procedure of the day and to evacuate the clinic. So, I lay there helpless 😣 while these nauseating 🤢 fumes were being pumped in. I was rolled into the recovery room handed my things then asked to leave, it had not been a good 5 minutes after the procedure. I stood up and was very wobbly, the nurse asked me if I could walk. I replied that I think I can, but I need some air. I began the trek stumbling through the lobby and out the front door. I managed to make it to the corner before collapsing on a bench. I made it home and had to sorest neck ever followed by the intermittent migraine, heck of a Friday.

Getting back on the grind I got back to work and had three prospective customers that I was looking forward to working with. I noticed an alarming trend, while each client had a specific need and liked my services nobody wanted to pay for them. Ah, that's how I felt in my head, the biggest wtf moment ever, lol 😆. I mean they didn't say why but I believe that people are trying to hold onto cash. They seem to not trust the current economy and to be honest, I don't blame them. With tons of government spending and the Fed printing money 💵 left and right inflation is on its way. The craziest part about all of this is the media coverage. People are so happy to get these government handouts but at what cost? Everyone knows you don't get something for nothing there there's always a price to pay, sooner or later.

It's a really strange time to be alive we go from one crazy situation to the next and nobody's asking any questions. I would have liked to have stayed in the silent majority but maybe that's the problem. Things seem to be happening every day and nobody raises an eyebrow. I thought even in the public school system they taught history. I mean what was this country founded on. There is a reason we don't have Kings and Queens here; we are not a monarchy we are a republic. A former President said that " We are a country of laws, and we obey the rule of law". Now most Americans would agree with this idea in theory however the practical application and implementation of this in practice have been a failure. The reason for this is quite simple people can't handle power. I know, I know what power has to do with all this. If you would allow me a few moments I shall try to tie in these loose ends and pull this blog together. If we look back to the founding of The United States of America, the systems that those who settled this country were far from perfect. Heck, they took over a land that already had people on it, that's not good. The enslavement of people from other lands forced to work and be treated horribly is unforgivable. The treatment of women has improved but is far from perfect but is progressive. This was a condensed look at the history of The United States of America. Now if we think 🤔 we can forget about all of this stuff and have a great country? I don't know but what continues to plague us is the balance of power. The ones who make the laws ⚖ and don't follow them, the actual laws themselves, and the abuses that continue to happen day in and day out in this country. With all that said is the United States of America still the greatest country in the world. Probably but we can always improve.

The situation that I am seeing when it comes to consumers is hesitation. They don't have confidence and they don't have trust. I mean most people are scared to death to take a breath of fresh air. Whether this is sane or insane you be the judge. Some people run around with beaks all day and look at people who choose to breathe normally as if they just murdered someone. Remember sanity, oh yeah at one time we actually enjoyed the luxury of having independent thought, now there seems to be a movement to eliminate that? Are we still Americans? Seems like the stupidest question ever but ask yourself, are we? What happens when people lose faith in the institutions that govern them? I guess we are all about to find out.
Thanks for reading this blog if you have any comments or a similar story, I will welcome you to share it. Please pass this blog on to others
Continue to read this blog about the next 40 days and 40 nights of an entrepreneur who not many believe can succeed in the social chasm of reality. Bear witness to the struggles and trials of a man battling the world outside and the world within. Armed with his laptop and spotty WIFI he will go where no man has gone before (to bed). He will go where no man has gone before and become a legend the world has never seen. https://superiordivisionbrandz.blogspot.com/2021/03/40-days-and-40-nights-are-about-to.html
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