40 Days and 40 Nights -Day 9 

  So, I woke up this morning rejuvenated I actually have had some interesting turn of events lately. Let me unpack all the goings on and let you know the inside scoop. Earlier in the week, I reconnected with a prospective customer who had tried to go on his own and build out his site, but it was looking a little rough. It's funny with this particular client he always passes me when he is on his way to doing other things LOL. He as always was on the go but informed me he needed my assistance and wanted to know about pricing. I got his website information and looked it up 👆 and it was well I have no words for it, but this can be improved upon. I called him to talk about my findings only to find out he was on his way to sunny California. I told him that I would keep in touch and sent him a price sheet for work he may need to do. Then I was also contacted by another prospective client who I had spoken about doing advertisements for his business. He was desperate to talk to me about a business proposal and I was eager to listen. He wants me to do sales calls for him and then we will work on online advertising for his business. I was happy to hear from him and I was very happy to help him with selling his services. We agreed to 10% of the project that I would receive when we landed jobs for him. 

 In other news, I have to have a procedure done on my neck this Friday, oh boy 👦. So I have been trying to get some of the many projects that I work on pretty much stabilized before Friday. I have made some headwinds and I feel pretty good about things. I decided a while back that I needed to cut down on meats, so I have only a small portion of it, but I am eating more salads and fruits. I could tell you what brought this change on but then this would be a whole different kind of blog. I am also working on drinking more water to clear up my skin and stuff. I guess that is what you do during the spring cast out the old and start anew.

 I have started to answer questions on Quora and it's funny how many people want quick money with no investment. I get this question a lot " How can I make quick money with affiliate marketing? " Or I get this one " I heard affiliate marketing is a scam."  I truly believe that I have answered these questions many times over. I scratched my head wondering why these people were under these impressions and beliefs. Then I dived in deeper and found out why? Many of these people were teens. With the job market the way that it is right now and school doing whatever it is doing, kids 🧒 are looking for work. I found myself at the junction of a moral dilemma. I didn't want to crush someone's dreams of success, but I also did not want to mislead people. Hence the scam antidote. So, I thought to myself if I was one of these younger people what advice would best serve me. I gave the most truthful and honest answer I could, but I also informed them that if they did things the right way the long-term payoff could be tremendous. So, this is basically what I said to them. The first thing you need to understand about affiliate marketing is that it is a business. You need to respect it in that way, it is your business. If you want to be successful you will have to put in the work. You need to learn as much as you can and be ethical. You can do great things with this business, but you must believe in yourself and your offer. I like products that will help people mostly with finances since this has been a point of contention at times in my own life. I am a bit of a free spirit I try not to make judgments because to me that is a wasted thought and energy. I don't like to struggle, and it is painful to know that during these times many people are struggling. It is not just financial but in most cases mental which can lead to tragedy. So, I wanted people to know that they really need training so they can actually make affiliate commissions online. Once they have the knowledge and get the lay of the land a whole new world of opportunity is at their fingertips. With the power of knowledge, a good work ethic, and enthusiasm they can do anything. I write these blogs to reach out to people wherever they may be and whatever situation they find themselves in. I do this because I want to help people, more than money more than many of life's rewards. I am not rich by worldly standards, but I am always rich in my spirit and my heart, and this is what I want to share with the world check this out it's not a scam. 

 Thanks for reading this blog if you have any comments or a similar story, I will welcome you to share it. Please pass this blog on to others  

  Continue to read this blog about the next 40 days and 40 nights of an entrepreneur who not many believe can succeed in the social chasm of reality. Bear witness to the struggles and trials of a man battling the world outside and the world within. Armed with his laptop and spotty WIFI he will go where no man has gone before (to bed) not. He will go where no man has gone before and become a legend the world has never seen.  https://superiordivisionbrandz.blogspot.com/2021/03/40-days-and-40-nights-are-about-to.html  

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Having fun continue to read 40 Days and 40 Nights Day-10


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