Claim Your Brand

We all have something that makes us unique that special something something, now if only we truly knew what it was we would bottle it and sell it, but alas were just hairless apes lol. All jokes aside what is it about a person that makes them interesting hmm I could name a few things but that may be a blog for another day ha ha. I don't know about you but I must have been born with a magnet for attracting all the crazies, oh what did you say I'm not the only one, So we have a common bond great let me share this with you as well. It was a long summers night many, many, moons ago a young child who keep to themselves often times doodling and things had a vision of one day creating their own brand . At eight years old this highly intelligent little being just knew that one day they would have this company. It even had a name it was called The Superior Division. Through the years as the dream of grandeur faded into the background and an adult sub planted the child the dream was always in the back of consciousness but never truly gone. Many years came and went different jobs and places but nothing ever fit. Then whether by happenstance or fait an accident occurred and nothing was the same. The adult had to soldier on during the most difficult time. The world seem to have turned upside down panic and fear from coast to coast. Nothing in modern history had seen anything like it some called it a plague others had more sinister name for it but whatever it was the world appeared to be forever changed. With no support the adult had to make way the only thought was of the business that was so prominent as a child and thus the Superior Division Brandz and Superior Division Investment Group were born. It took me 40 years to claim my brand how long will it take you? 


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