Are You Afraid To Fail

                                        Are you afraid to fail?

Are you afraid to fail? News flash the overwhelming answer is yes just like in middle school nobody wants to be a loser. What we don't realize when we think this is by failing, we actually learn, and we become better at life. You can test this out in any part of your life if things aren't going well, you can stop and sit in one place or do something that will work. So, you see you have been doing this all of your life and it is easy to do. The problem comes when we forget that we have this ability, and we enter a downward spiral of anxiety and doubt. Our beliefs start becoming of lack and how we cannot do what we know deep down we can, but we get stuck. So, what is the answer? This blog will attempt to give you an alternative thought process of how you will not only get unstuck, but you will excel.

To live is to take the risk, you have heard this maybe a few times but how does this apply to your life, and is it relevant. Let us examine this statement and see first does it apply? When you woke up this morning, you have your routine that involves a similar or familiar situation that you experience every day. The week before following this same format it's normalized in your mind. However, could it be possible on this day you have woken up on the wrong side of the bed literally, actually you're in the wrong bed? You hung out with your best friend, and she roped you into this insane crazy blind double date thing, and well one thing leads to another and now everything is nuts. It's okay this happens to everyone except you thought it was Saturday morning partly because of the double shots your friend insisted you help her with, some friend huh. All of a sudden, your cell is ringing like it's mad at you. You answer the angry phone to realize it's your boss you have 30 minutes to get to the meeting. You glance up from your phone and oh boy it's Friday morning and you are late for work. So now you're in a hurry rushing half asleep and hung over you brush your teeth with soap that you mistook for paste. You look around the room for something clean to wear but all you can find is a T-shirt that looks like it was made by a 10-year-old you put it on and run out the door racing to your job. You get to your job with a crowd waiting in eager anticipation of what you will show them and boy did you show them half-dressed smelling zest fully clean wearing one red pump and a flip flop. They say the show must go on and you boldly and bravely present your presentation. It is a success your wardrobe not so much. Little snickers and stairs sway around the room before you are given a standing ovation. You smile and realize it was all worth it. So, in this extremely hilarious 😂 portrayal of a day gone crazy you see how we live, and life is risky but you're ok because you have a red pump and a flip flop for that.  

You were born curious; you came into the world eyed and ready to explore so what happens between the cradle to the grave changes this dynamic. You guessed it life happens and my friend changes everything. We mimic our elders and develop different pathways to deal with situational awareness and stress. Ah now we're getting somewhere, stress is real or a figment of the imagination. Another topic for a future blog, however, is pertinent here as well because stress and how it is handled and ultimately dealt with can determine success or failure. Within you exist unbelievable potential.  You were born to win, each person possesses the ability to succeed and all they need to do is have a goal, a definite purpose to achieve that goal, and sheer determination to win. 

Is it our mindset that will ultimately determine our fate or is it up to something else entirely? Can we change our fate or is it a predetermined rule of consequence? If we have any choice about it, then I choose mindset. The way we go about things can lead to success or failure this is a law of the universe or something because it is absolutely true. Your focus and attention to everyday situations will have an impact on your life, your mindset is the pendulum that swings back and forth that will determine the outcome. A positive mindset will attract positive things and a negative one will bring that. The beautiful thing is you are the only one in control of your mind. You can create a positive atmosphere around yourself and try even in the most difficult of times to see something positive. It is not if we stumble and fall but when we do that our mindset will be the only thing left to determine if we succeed or fail. So don't be afraid to fail you are one step closer to success.  

These blogs are written to educate and entertain you I hope it was successful in doing both. I hope to connect with every reader of these posts and encourage your feedback and opinions. If you are a new entrepreneur and are looking for a product or service that working online can achieve, please click the link and visit my website 

 Are you stuck in a rut here are some tools that could change your life, to get the abundance you desire

Abundance Mindset

21-Day Millionaire Boot camp

Masque control system

The Genie scripts

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you purchase a plan. However, these are the tools I have vetted and fully recommend when it comes to making extra money, motivation, and self-improvement.


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